There are a lot of U.S. Border Patrol cruising around here in the Albuquerque area. They've been around rounding up illegal aliens from Mexico who have been making there way up to northern states and Texas. A couple of months back, a SUV packed with 14 Mexicans wrecked and killed the a bunch of them while driving north on I-25 in the early morning hours. Police figured that they were driving all night from the southern end of the state. Before that, they were running for their lives to just get into this country. They got to the promise land and died from the result of exhaustion. What a waste of life.
Before recent times, I really hated knowing that folks in Mexico were running across the border into this great country of ours and taking jobs our good ol'boys should have. Now, I realize why they come here. That is exactly what they are doing.
You know, I'm glad that these folks are coming over and doing the jobs that what are believed to be beneath the average US citizens standard of employment. Somebody has to do these jobs. I guess we "Americans" (although, we are all Americans....really, get out you geography book, even Canadiacs are too stupid to know that too) are better than being fruit and vegetable pickers, carpenters, roofers, landscapers, and general laborers. I've done all of these jobs and so have many of my family, fellow Dine', and other native brothers and sisters. What gets me is that I don't see any uproar about Mexican Nationals taking up these jobs that healthy and very able native peoples are entitled to. All I hear about is the high unemployment rate on the Indian reservations, especially mine, the largest of them all, the Navajo Nation which has about 80% unemployment.
I guess you have to live in a situation where one would have to leave his own country to live or die by starvation. I haven't heard of a native dying from starvation since the late 1800's...maybe because they were munching on government cheese.
I may offend some of people and I really don't care, it's the truth. There are 19 pueblos and one big and two little Navajo reservations with very able bodied natives but not one of them hammered one nail in my house or mows my lawn. A shit job it is but it's a job nonetheless. You see, these folks left their country and their families to come here to provide for their dependents, and at times, at an ultimate cost of losing their lives in the desert. My native brothers live in this country but won't leave the rez because they don't have a ride. That just does not make sense. It should be easier for us than for them.
If you're one of those who think that it's about border security, think about it, how the hell do you think a terrorist would get through? Really! If a freaky-assed Arab terrorist got through and blew some shit up here in the US, the government would try to build a wall to separate the two countries....shit, that's like killing a cash cow!!! I feel that Mexicans are our best defense because they would beat a camel jockey to a bloody pulp and bury his stupid stinky ass in the Sonoran Desert with out any penalty. Think about it. I think that they are looking at the wrong border.
Recall where the Arab Islamic terrorist came into this country to carry out the 9/11 attacks.