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Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States
I'm a Proud Navajo, Father, Husband, Brother, Son, and Friend. I'm all about cheap thrills, guitar pickin', and writing about the adventures of my life. I'm never politically correct.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

She was found here on Central Avenue of all places


Of all the places Jennifer Wilbanks could be "found", she was on Central Avenue here in Albuquerque. Haven't you seen COPS? Well, I guess she couldn't be found in the northeast heights of the Duke City. Being that rich, I guess you would have to go to Central Avenue to back up that weak kidnapping story to evade a massive southern JoJa hitchin' shindig.

Man, 600 hundred guests, I only had a 60 or so at my wedding, I didn't even know half of 'em. Stress. Cold feet. Buuuullllshhhiiiit. If you have money, it's going to be a good chance that you are probably marrying into mo' money. Who knows 600 people? I bet Ted Turner and half the Atlanta Braves were going to be there. You know that this gal had been squirrelin' away some cash for this Vegas trip.

Don't worry people, she'll be OK. Nothing will become of her. Jail time is not on her mind.

Just think of this, it would have been a matter of time that her story would have come true if she had only stayed on Central Avenue.

I love this city, but Central Avenue is the exception. As KOBTV 4 reporter Stuart Dyson said "she had seen the Albuquerque key spots - the bus station, Central Avenue, and the inside of a APD patrol car." It has been reported on News4 that her family flew here to Albuquerque with great haste to collect her, apparently all the redskins here for the Gathering of Nations Powwow made her nervous. Too many wild indians were circling the wagons....AYE..AYE..AYE!!! Should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque!!! I hope she finds herself. Nizhonigo Jennifer Wilbanks.

And I hope she comes back for the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta!!! Go Topes!

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