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Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States
I'm a Proud Navajo, Father, Husband, Brother, Son, and Friend. I'm all about cheap thrills, guitar pickin', and writing about the adventures of my life. I'm never politically correct.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

It's like a bee hive for metal bees that will sting your ass

Navy Pride

My little brother, Alex, is deployed to the Persian Gulf this spring. This is part of what he wrote to me in his latest email:

"Hey Bud,
It's good to know all is well back on the homestead.. I am holdin' up, been a long time at sea and fixin' to go insane.. We have two more months to go and our projected date of arrival is the 13th of July and Ray is due on the 12th.. Talk about cutting it close huh? I might be able to fly off from England, but I am not sure if that will work.. Maybe France.. I am not sure about the plans until we are close enough to the dates..
Other then that, we have been floatin' and flyin'.. Supporting the ground troops and if you've been watchin' the news, we had a rough time the last few weeks, lost few planes and pilots..
It's getting hotter and it's sucks, and I have been keepin' my sane by running and workin' out.. Work is the same day in and day out, we had a few major problems this week, but two days of trouble shooting we had it up and running.. I left my camera at home so I can't or have not been able to take some cool shots of sunsets, jets takin' off or landing, oil wells buring off in the distance..
All in all things are okay, but waiting to go home."

He loves what he's doing and I love him for doing it. See you soon Bro.

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