I saw my mom today. We were at a graduation reception and I finally noticed how much she has aged. I remember my mom as a person always being at the top of her game and today I saw her as a human being, in the physical sense. She is still as beautiful as I remember but with a few scars of triumph. I'm glad that we got to see her because we weren't sure if we were coming today. Lately we've been on two ends of an issue and it may have taken a toll on our relationship. I told her yesterday that no matter what, I still loved her and she said the same.
As you've probably noticed that I'm not always in the best of moods when I'm blogging or buying cars. I use this blog to vent my mind and relieve the pressure of insanity. If I didn't I probably would be out shearing my initials in the sides of sheep or mooning tourists at the Shiprock CityMarket. I guess I found the need to be more straight forward with people and thus my tolerance for some people's actions have dwindled and I think that it's caused certain people to avoid me or be cautious about what they say to me. I guess my mother was afraid that I would speak my mind in a way that would be insensitive or belittling. I reassured her that my thoughts should have no bearing upon any decisions she makes in her life and that I would support her in any way possible. I'm an ass at times but I wouldn't be mean to my mom, sheesh.
I grew up as the middle child, I got hand me down clothes, bikes, toys, and whatever from my older brother and my younger brother and sister got new stuff because they were the "babies" and I wore out half the stuff before they could get them. But, it seems the pattern continued. When I went to school, I didn't have all the cool stuff that the other kids had and my mother for some reason always dressed me in horizontal striped shirts. It took me a long time to figure it out but she continues to this day, well except for last Christmas, to give me shirts or ties with horizontal stripes. I was never a skinny kid so horizontal stripes didn't help but they were new. I've never really asked for clothes or a new bike or anything really except for the keys to the truck on Saturday nights but for what I did have I took extra care of. I've never really griped about it, maybe this is a gripe, I'm just not sure. Well, after a few years and after graduating from college, I started to resent alot of things that I though I was cheated out of because here I am busting my ass off for my family and home while some people (not my siblings of course) get coddled and enabled. Why is it that I see kids these days riding around in a car that their moms and dads had got them for their sixteenth birthday or for high school graduation? It boggles my mind and it makes me sick.
Well, I asked my mom why I was passed over for alot of things and my mom thought I didn't need these things because she figured I would get them on my own. She never figured I would have any trouble achieving anything. She told my wife that I was different from the others and that I could not hold a grudge. She was right, I guess. I won't take a gift if I knew I didn't deserve it or earned it.
As for the horizontal stripes, my mom thought I liked them and it also made sorting clothing easier when she washed them. I just never asked or objected.
I love you Mom. Happy Mother's Day.
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