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Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States
I'm a Proud Navajo, Father, Husband, Brother, Son, and Friend. I'm all about cheap thrills, guitar pickin', and writing about the adventures of my life. I'm never politically correct.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Softball high lights and some other crap

First, the other crap

In the news, I turned on my tv and saw that waste of space, Jennifer Wilbanks. I take it back please don't ever ever come back to this good city because you would just make it suck. Central Avenue is too good for people like you (and Katie Couric). Why was this NEWS? Does it change the world? What happened to real journalism? As I have told you good people, don't worry about her she's laughing all the way to the bank. Sickening, I know.
However, I am so glad that boy scout was found!

This ain't baseball!

Hey we won yesterday. Holy crap am I sore. A dude was coming from third and for some reason here comes the ball from left center and dribbling towards me. I knelt down like it was the good ol' days of shin pads and chest protector.....but this was slow-pitch softball so there was non of that except the sweat pants that I was wearing. Boom. Ooowwwwww!!! Cheer!!! and then OOOOOOO!!!! It would have been a close call but I dropped the ball because the chump stepped on my left foot and slammed into my left elbow. After hopping around and cringing from the pain I continued to play.... there had to have been blood because I could feel it... flowing around the other piggy that was next to it. I was too afraid to remove my shoe yet, if I did I wouldn't be able to get my foot back in again. So my shoe basically held my foot together. To top this off, I struck out once after being 2-2 at bat. Damn, all I hear from the whole park was ......... "DAAAAAAMMMMMMMNNNNN"!!! The cost for such an act...30 pack.

Fun experience....priceless.

Rock on.

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