I'm here. Still here. Fortunately for you, I will not go away easily. Ha ha. For those that don't know, my company had to cut my position. Yeah, just like that.... the feasibility of my position at the company has expired. My ass.
But new things have come to light... I was offered a new position! One of the best things about it is that I don't have to drive 80 miles a day!!
- Jae Cee
- Rio Rancho, New Mexico, United States
- I'm a Proud Navajo, Father, Husband, Brother, Son, and Friend. I'm all about cheap thrills, guitar pickin', and writing about the adventures of my life. I'm never politically correct.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
It's here........ I think
Wow, crazy things happen on this day...... could it be the end? Or, just the beginning? Or is it like pressing pause and the friggin movie resumes. I don't know. I haven't felt this way in a long time and this day of all days reminds me of what was before I am now. Yes, that was a time in my life that is dark.
Maybe I should don the blue jogging suit and drink the cool-aid and hop on that mothership that is hovering over my humble home..... or just be. I think I'll be. Rock on.
I didn't want to miss my next subsription of The Navajo Times anyway.
Oh dang, it was only a channel 4 helicopter.
Maybe I should don the blue jogging suit and drink the cool-aid and hop on that mothership that is hovering over my humble home..... or just be. I think I'll be. Rock on.
I didn't want to miss my next subsription of The Navajo Times anyway.
Oh dang, it was only a channel 4 helicopter.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Steal a Base... Steal a Taco
In game 2 of the World Series, Jacoby Ellsbury was the first in the series to steal a base. As a promotion by Taco Bell, 90ft. To Free Tacos for America, everybody gets a free taco at Taco Bell between the hours of 2-5pm on 10/30/2007. I wish it was a Navajo Taco but I'll take it.
Not only that he takes care of his peeps back here in Dinetah, he's feeding every man, woman, and child in the U.S.A. Now that's classy.
Not only that he takes care of his peeps back here in Dinetah, he's feeding every man, woman, and child in the U.S.A. Now that's classy.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Support your Native Bro.....cousin bro....or just cousin...or dat guy...#46...he's still your bro

Woo hoo. Jacoby Ellsbury is in the line up replacing Co Co Crisp for the Red Sox in the 2007 World Series. This is awesome. I wonder if he'll call a HR by pointing with his lips over the Green Monster. It's good to see raza make it big!!!
Jacoby Ellsbury's branch in the Navajo family tree
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Some thoughts that make a SNC, in no particular order
I like to eat parts of dead animals. People need to lighten up. Rapp is not music and Rock N Roll will never die. The Superbowl is another holiday. Mustard, relish, and onions makes a perfect hotdog. NAC is not Navajo Way but a Navajo's way can be NAC, not both. Carseats work, use them you dumbass. Bandwagon fans suck. I love the Steelers, even when they sucked. I hate needles. Fry Bread is prison food, really, know your history. You should take a drug test before you ask for welfare. If you want to be a person of color, from black, brown, red, yellow, to white, get born that way, don't be something you aren't. Not everybody should get good grades because somebody has to dig ditches. God loves us all....not just you. Leave Bigfoot alone! Guns don't kill people, people kill people. If you're gay, that's ok, just don't keep reminding me. There is no such thing as absolute free speech, well, unless you are totally anonymous. If you were arrested for something, you probably did it. Dead cows, dead chickens, dead pigs, and dead fish are delicious when they are prepared fresh. Breastfeeding, why is it an issue? There is no such thing as reverse discrimination, it's still descrimination. Spam, potatoes, green chili, huevos, and tortillas is a kick ass breakfast burrito. Designated Hitters ruin the game. I like fishing. A sports bra is not lingerie. Coke tastes better than Pepsi to me. Men live for women. Hate is learned. Love makes the world go around. This list may grow.
Monday, October 08, 2007

Today I became 36. I'm officially in the late mid thirties. I....I'm ok with it. Really... I'm a little late in my original scheme of LIFE but I am still going forward. I've got all my limbs....my sight...most of my hearing....I can still catch flies with my bare hands. I'm still good. 36? 26? 16?......it's all the same...what's a couple of prefix numbers... geez.
I haven't posted in a while. It's been a couple of stressful weeks. I got oriented with my new boss and my kickass neighbors moved away last week back to Ohio. We miss you Doug and Toni! Oh well, the Curleyworld rotates on and on.
The Steelers are doing good. 4-1 at this point and going in the bye week. It's all going good.
I took a couple of weeks off from lifting. No, I didn't quit. I was starting to get those little pains in the elbow tendons. It was a good two weeks of healing.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Missing the big picture here....geez
Hey folks, I'm proud to be Dine' and proud to a be a native brother to the other tribes. Man, I posted something about Jacoby Ellsbury but I do get a lot of negative shit that he is playing for the Boston Redsox. So fucking what! Geez, your missing the big picture here. It's not like he showed up and asked to play for them. It's not a choice, he is playing in the big leagues along with other greats. He is Dine' and I hope that people would be more supportive in that. Hell, if I was asked to kick a football for the gay-assed Cowboys...I would. Not many of us have that chance or ability and Jacoby is up there and I think he as well as other players such as Joba Chamberlain, (Winnebago, NY Yankees),deserve our support. Dang, this keeps us alive because many ignorant dumbasses think we were all wiped out back in the 1880's.
I'm tired of Natives dumping on other Natives. Dammit, we're here for each other....haven't you learned anything in the last couple of weeks?
If you're wondering...I haven't posted anything in the last couple of weeks is because I have been brought up on charges of sheep fighting and the torturing and eating of sub-performing sheep. It's been stated that I even ate their internal organs and made sausage with their blood. I have found Jesus though, so everything is all better.
I'll blog later on my progession of my flab to fab pursuit. I just got to figure out where to place football and barbeque within my workout schedule. Rock on and lighten up my people.
I'm tired of Natives dumping on other Natives. Dammit, we're here for each other....haven't you learned anything in the last couple of weeks?
If you're wondering...I haven't posted anything in the last couple of weeks is because I have been brought up on charges of sheep fighting and the torturing and eating of sub-performing sheep. It's been stated that I even ate their internal organs and made sausage with their blood. I have found Jesus though, so everything is all better.
I'll blog later on my progession of my flab to fab pursuit. I just got to figure out where to place football and barbeque within my workout schedule. Rock on and lighten up my people.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Major Dine'......#46
I love baseball. Now I love it more. I've always loved in a way that I never had a favorite baseball team in the majors. Now I kinda do...especially if the Boston Red Sox have a Navajo playing in the outfield for them!!!
Here's his bio in the Red Sox website.
God, you have to love to see a Navajo make it big. But you know what I've heard... we all know that there are some awesome athletes that we've seen play ball at our highschool that you knew that if they kept it up, they would make it big. That's not always the case because we as natives really don't have a great track record of staying in school. There was a Gallup HS grad that was in the Miami Heat that was interviewed and talked alot about that. We have to change this. SO, YOU YOUNG IVERSON WANNABEE'S.....BE.......AND STAY IN SCHOOL. And lift some weights!!!
Sorry Keyeew........GO SCOUTS!!!
Here's his bio in the Red Sox website.
God, you have to love to see a Navajo make it big. But you know what I've heard... we all know that there are some awesome athletes that we've seen play ball at our highschool that you knew that if they kept it up, they would make it big. That's not always the case because we as natives really don't have a great track record of staying in school. There was a Gallup HS grad that was in the Miami Heat that was interviewed and talked alot about that. We have to change this. SO, YOU YOUNG IVERSON WANNABEE'S.....BE.......AND STAY IN SCHOOL. And lift some weights!!!
Sorry Keyeew........GO SCOUTS!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
IthinkIcanIthinkIcan ... IknowIcanIknowIcan
It's been a couple of stressful weeks. My 5 year old baby girl spent her first week in kindergarten and my wife got a new job here in Rio Rancho. I thought I'd be all teary-eyed but she was a big girl so I didn't, well I did a little but...gosh they grow up so fast. Man, I can remember a couple of events when I was a beginner-tso at Toadlena Boarding School. My masani was a dorm aid at the school and she took care of my brother and me while my mom finished up at UNM. I remember getting the most outstanding student award at the end of the year.
My workouts have been drawn out and haven't been regular over these last two weeks but I have made the effort to keep it going. We're just trying to feel out the new morning routine and hopefully soon I will get back into the thick of things. I really want to keep it going especially with football season starting in a couple of weeks. Chips & salsa, chicken wings, and beer on a fall Sunday must be burned effectively and efficiently. I am in charge of this machine.
I went running a couple of days last week but I was experiencing some pain in my knees and shins. In highschool I played football as a runningback and baseball as a catcher and I took alot of hits to my legs and squatted for pitches but never experienced any injuries from these sports. I did one time sprained my knee falling down the steps of a lecture hall...that really didn't hurt until I put it up when I got back to my room. The crap of it all with that episode in my life was a Navajo girl just laughed at me and stepped over me while I layed there in pain. Well, that is another story...geez, I've never been so angered at such a display of disrespect from another Navajo.
Well, anyway, my knees feel ok since I haven't run. I really want to run. The fact is I'm still to heavy and I'm sure the impact on my knees are far more than what my knees can handle. I do have an elipse machine and I think I'll use that. I will need to chunk down before I really get out there and jog out a couple of miles. Right now I'm down -12 lbs and have added an inch to my biceps. I know that's why I haven't lost any significant weight because I've been adding some more muscle mass because of my heavy lifting. That doesn't discourage me though because my belt loops are really the guage to my loss in inches around my girth. I'm way psyched to start seeing significant results as my body consumes itself of its stored jiggly mush. I hope sooner than later because that Speedo won't wear itself...:)
My workouts have been drawn out and haven't been regular over these last two weeks but I have made the effort to keep it going. We're just trying to feel out the new morning routine and hopefully soon I will get back into the thick of things. I really want to keep it going especially with football season starting in a couple of weeks. Chips & salsa, chicken wings, and beer on a fall Sunday must be burned effectively and efficiently. I am in charge of this machine.
I went running a couple of days last week but I was experiencing some pain in my knees and shins. In highschool I played football as a runningback and baseball as a catcher and I took alot of hits to my legs and squatted for pitches but never experienced any injuries from these sports. I did one time sprained my knee falling down the steps of a lecture hall...that really didn't hurt until I put it up when I got back to my room. The crap of it all with that episode in my life was a Navajo girl just laughed at me and stepped over me while I layed there in pain. Well, that is another story...geez, I've never been so angered at such a display of disrespect from another Navajo.
Well, anyway, my knees feel ok since I haven't run. I really want to run. The fact is I'm still to heavy and I'm sure the impact on my knees are far more than what my knees can handle. I do have an elipse machine and I think I'll use that. I will need to chunk down before I really get out there and jog out a couple of miles. Right now I'm down -12 lbs and have added an inch to my biceps. I know that's why I haven't lost any significant weight because I've been adding some more muscle mass because of my heavy lifting. That doesn't discourage me though because my belt loops are really the guage to my loss in inches around my girth. I'm way psyched to start seeing significant results as my body consumes itself of its stored jiggly mush. I hope sooner than later because that Speedo won't wear itself...:)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Low and slow
I have to relate my body to a nice big chubby cut of beef brisket. Oh yeah, that's me. A good peace of tough meat with a big chunk of fat attached to it. Or you can look at this way.....a big block of marble with a Navajo "David" on the inside. Haha. Anyway, my anectdote is about meat so back to the meat. When you get that cut of meat with almost an equal amount of fat stuck to it...how do you make it into a nice beautiful slice of tasty edible din din? You cook it low and slow. If you cook it fast, it gets burnt and it remains inedible. If you cook it slow, if comes out of the smoker as the best tasty morsel of goodness that you ever had. A masterpiece for all the scenses.
The reason why I think of it that way? I used to smoke a brisket every other weekend or so but this summer.....Nay nay. Grilled chicken breasts were a big part of my diet. I don't mind it though, but a medium rare New York strip steak will make me tell the truth anytime. So, since I can't get me a chunk of delicious cow every weekend, I have to morph my toungue lust in to a positive drive to my rejuvinated exercise regiment. In other words, I'm re-channeling my drive......from flab to dammit, i can't eat well marbled cuts of delicious bovine tasty bits!
Oh yeah, it's difficult. But at the end, it's all going to pay off. If not, I'll just barbeque myself.
What I'm really saying is in response to the ladies that have been commenting.....a marathon? And when you said, "whole enchilada", I relapsed. Ha ha. Low and slow baby. I'm built for comfort right now, not speed. Let me cook for a while. Three miles is a more attainable goal than 26 miles. Maybe in a next year, or even a couple of years...I may try. Low and slow. Let me get there.
Hey, thanks for all the responses, I really appreciate the encouragement. Rock on.
The reason why I think of it that way? I used to smoke a brisket every other weekend or so but this summer.....Nay nay. Grilled chicken breasts were a big part of my diet. I don't mind it though, but a medium rare New York strip steak will make me tell the truth anytime. So, since I can't get me a chunk of delicious cow every weekend, I have to morph my toungue lust in to a positive drive to my rejuvinated exercise regiment. In other words, I'm re-channeling my drive......from flab to dammit, i can't eat well marbled cuts of delicious bovine tasty bits!
Oh yeah, it's difficult. But at the end, it's all going to pay off. If not, I'll just barbeque myself.
What I'm really saying is in response to the ladies that have been commenting.....a marathon? And when you said, "whole enchilada", I relapsed. Ha ha. Low and slow baby. I'm built for comfort right now, not speed. Let me cook for a while. Three miles is a more attainable goal than 26 miles. Maybe in a next year, or even a couple of years...I may try. Low and slow. Let me get there.
Hey, thanks for all the responses, I really appreciate the encouragement. Rock on.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Yesterday I had one of the best workouts ever. I went for a jog then worked on my chest and triceps. Whoa, what a pump. Today, I am sore as hell but I did manage to work my back and biceps. That was a hard thing to do because I was way not in the mood. Really, I went out to my garage where the bench is and almost fell asleep, then I just got up...like a miracle......pounded out my exercises.
I do want to start concentrating on running. Got to get the pudge off at a better rate because walking can only do som much. I want to be ready for the 5k at the Shiprock Marathon thingy in the spring. It's just going to take a while. I packed alot of life survival storage on since I graduated from college in 2003. You see, when you've lived a life of chicken wings and beer and then get a desk job and somewhat keep the same diet, a body tends to change shape. Oh well, I've come this far, it'll change back.
I do want to start concentrating on running. Got to get the pudge off at a better rate because walking can only do som much. I want to be ready for the 5k at the Shiprock Marathon thingy in the spring. It's just going to take a while. I packed alot of life survival storage on since I graduated from college in 2003. You see, when you've lived a life of chicken wings and beer and then get a desk job and somewhat keep the same diet, a body tends to change shape. Oh well, I've come this far, it'll change back.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Thank you, the gods of football....
There is a tear in my eye.... FOOTBALL IS BACK ON MY TV!!! The Steelers are looking good against the Saints. Geez, this feels good. I think I made a little pee.......oh well, the newbies are playing.....but it still it warms my heart. 5 rings.....is the first 6th championship possible? Oh yeah. We were the first for everything.......first back to back championship and first to have 2 back to back championships...first to win 4 Superbowls.
Steelers win against the Saints in the Hall of Fame Game 20- 7.
Oh what a feeling. I'm going to go frolic through the streets of Rio Rancho!
Steelers win against the Saints in the Hall of Fame Game 20- 7.
Oh what a feeling. I'm going to go frolic through the streets of Rio Rancho!
Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm foot loose
Hah! Dang it felt alright. I ran. I ran like a rhino on a bed of pillows. I ran for quite a ways in my standards. Well, it's the first time in about a year that I ran and it was better than I expected. I used to run for about 200 yards and peter out due to stains in my legs and a wuss mentality. Geez, I used to hike mountains, run footballs for the FIGHTING SCOUTS, squat behind the plate for the FIGHTING SCOUTS, and carry heavy hoses into fires. This time it was almost a whole mile but I thought I could keep going but my dog kept wanting to smell the "roses". I felt, I'll do better next time and I'm pretty psyched that I will.
I've been working my legs in my weight training routine and stretching them out as I go. Having kick ass new shoes helps too. These new NB's I just got are pretty cool even though they look like moon boots. I have a general goal to someday run a marathon and I'm sure it's going to be a couple of years before I attempt such a feat and even though, where is my weight training going to take me from here. I'm just going to truck on as far as my determination will take me.
Rock on.
I've been working my legs in my weight training routine and stretching them out as I go. Having kick ass new shoes helps too. These new NB's I just got are pretty cool even though they look like moon boots. I have a general goal to someday run a marathon and I'm sure it's going to be a couple of years before I attempt such a feat and even though, where is my weight training going to take me from here. I'm just going to truck on as far as my determination will take me.
Rock on.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
-10 lbs
It's finally coming off. Even though I pigged out on some Cincinnati chili dogs and a fair share of beer and margaritas over the 4th of July weekend, I managed to burn a few pounds off. I've even gone up a couple of notches on my belt. Funny thing about my belt, I've had this belt since since the early ninties and it has holes that I had to put in because it was too big when I got it (it was gift). I remember putting them in and the looked well used and now I've got the holes at the other end doing the task of keeping my britches up.
I know it hasn't been going as fast as I thought it would be but I am an older dude now the caveman instincts of the human body is trying to hoard all the fat it can to stay alive while the younger cavemen go out and hunt down a mammoth. Damned evolution. I have set some goals and hopefully I can reach them on a timebasis that I have set for myself. Baby steps.
I know it hasn't been going as fast as I thought it would be but I am an older dude now the caveman instincts of the human body is trying to hoard all the fat it can to stay alive while the younger cavemen go out and hunt down a mammoth. Damned evolution. I have set some goals and hopefully I can reach them on a timebasis that I have set for myself. Baby steps.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Mutton sandwiches and sneakers
The last couple of weeks I took time off from lifting. I've been out doing some site visits and have been able to go back into the rez. Way back into the rez. Geez, I went way out to Pinon for a couple of days... when we were growing up, Pinon was one of those places that you would go only if you had family out there or you got lost. I've been out there once before and that was to visit the school when I was an insurance agent. I remember eating lunch at a gas station. At this past visit, my coworker and I ate at a road side mutton stand to get our fix. Man, that was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had. Not only was it tender, it had lettuce, tomatoe, and red onions. They don't do that out in the eastern agencies, really, it was a treat. There was a gal that was sitting in front of me that was from I guess the Philipines and she had a full bowl of steamed corn stew and big old fried bread. She was slurping it up just like the rest of us. mmmm...good food.
Today I had to go out to Dilkon for another site visit but this time I went alone. No road side stands that I could see, so I had to settle for a 3 piecer in Gallup. It's been along time since I've been IN Gallup. I remember going there to do some shopping with my folks, movies with my girlfriends, and pizzas with friends, but this time, it was all foreign to me. I'm kind of glad though, some of those memories weren't all good. Some times it's good to forget.
I saw the San Francisco peaks from Dilkon. That reminds me of some good times back at NAU. Geez, I miss hangin my buds there and listening to the forest breeze while I did my homework. I almost made a dash, but I would have to explain why there was an extra 200 miles on the company truck and the bill from the Beaver Street Brewery, haha. I love that meatloaf sandwich there.
Yesterday morning I did my chest and triceps...I didn't feel like I skipped a beat in my routine. One thing that I'm going to start is running. I knew I had to get some new shoes but I fealt that I had to get some good ones this time because the others that I have have broken down too quickly. I went to the New Balance store and for the first time ever, my shoes fit and have relieved some soreness in my left foot. I hope these work out because this is the first time I ever spent over a hundred bucks for shoes. Geez.
Rock on.
Today I had to go out to Dilkon for another site visit but this time I went alone. No road side stands that I could see, so I had to settle for a 3 piecer in Gallup. It's been along time since I've been IN Gallup. I remember going there to do some shopping with my folks, movies with my girlfriends, and pizzas with friends, but this time, it was all foreign to me. I'm kind of glad though, some of those memories weren't all good. Some times it's good to forget.
I saw the San Francisco peaks from Dilkon. That reminds me of some good times back at NAU. Geez, I miss hangin my buds there and listening to the forest breeze while I did my homework. I almost made a dash, but I would have to explain why there was an extra 200 miles on the company truck and the bill from the Beaver Street Brewery, haha. I love that meatloaf sandwich there.
Yesterday morning I did my chest and triceps...I didn't feel like I skipped a beat in my routine. One thing that I'm going to start is running. I knew I had to get some new shoes but I fealt that I had to get some good ones this time because the others that I have have broken down too quickly. I went to the New Balance store and for the first time ever, my shoes fit and have relieved some soreness in my left foot. I hope these work out because this is the first time I ever spent over a hundred bucks for shoes. Geez.
Rock on.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I still gots me Musckles......lil peoples...eat your spinach!
Thats me with Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler. He is one big dude. Dang I look goofy with my old man sweater. It looks like my bodyless head is floating.
Last week was that.........weak. I worked out one day on my chest and triceps. The other days got mixed up with assorted distractions. Oh well, I'm not training for any event. Y'know, I don't want to make this work, it's more like a chore...if you floor is all sticky, you mop. If you got soft man-boobs, lift weights and make them perky hard striated man-boobs. Ha ha.
Today is rest day. Monday's and yesterday's workout was awesome, I got pretty pumped and I am almost back to the slugs that I left off at a few years back. Isn't that weird? I haven't lifted heavy for alot of years but it seems that since I kept up my calorie intake that my prior muscle mass didn't all soften up into a chunk of body cheese wizz. Sometimes, chicken wings and a few beers can do a body good...:)
The only problems I have is that I don't have a means of doing squats. I can do squats but if I have to bail doing the last reps.....it's all coming down on my shoulders, back, neck, and head. A couple of years back, I used to have a Smith Machine and it worked well during heavy lifting exercises when I have to bail. I lift alone and there is nobody around to spot me, that's why I had this kind of machine. I sold it when I had to move out to Albuquerque. I'm going to try step-ups and see what that does.
I look forward to Thursday and Friday. Legs and shoulders are all I have left before the Memorial Day weekend. I think I can manage to workout on Monday since this gig has become more of a habit.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mom's day
As much as I tried, we could not go back to the rez to visit my mom and numerous grandmas and aunties. I really wish I had but then again, we did have a good time right here at home. Besides, gas prices is a so fucking high...geez, I would almost have to pawn 100 VCR's just to make to the rez! It was almost impossible. There will be more chances to get home this summer. I called my mom, don't worry. I took care of her.
Since we stayed home, we got a lot of stuff done our backyard. First, we moved the playground towards the middle of the yard and moved almost half of the wood chips that was around the playground originally. Geez, I'm glad that is still quite light. Hopefully, this weekend, we'll move the pool towards the house so it will easier to get into and not have to trot across the country to get into the pool. Hopefully it's going to be a long hot summer. I will need to take a dip.
I hope you all had a nice weekend with your mother and if you are a mother, I hope you had the best day of the year.
Since we stayed home, we got a lot of stuff done our backyard. First, we moved the playground towards the middle of the yard and moved almost half of the wood chips that was around the playground originally. Geez, I'm glad that is still quite light. Hopefully, this weekend, we'll move the pool towards the house so it will easier to get into and not have to trot across the country to get into the pool. Hopefully it's going to be a long hot summer. I will need to take a dip.
I hope you all had a nice weekend with your mother and if you are a mother, I hope you had the best day of the year.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I need a habit....
I have to bite my tongue. Monday, I missed my workout but I did make it up yesterday afternoon and had a kick ass session. I feel great and feeling pretty buff under all of this giggly stuff. Ha ha. Today though, I did my back, biceps, and calves and focused as best as I could.....my guns felt the burn. It's coming along quite well, just wish me the best. Hopefully, my lost in inches will coincide with my gains...or be greater. I do want to lose weight but I don't want to be discouraged with minimal lost of weight ratio to muscle gains. I'm trying to figure that out so I haven't stepped on the scale but mainly judging with by my waistline.
So far...still quite tight but not as tight as it used to be.......I'm sure in a couple of weeks I'll be able to go up a couple of notches on my belt to try not scare folks with my vertical smile.
I feel that I'm almost over the hump of starting an exerise program. I think I'm about 3/4 of the way to where it becomes 50%work/50%habit. (It's a bell curve). It will take a little more time where it's a part of my life like taking a wiz. Don't be disgusted, everybody wizzes, and dumps. There's even a book written about it.
Other than that, I did get a few toys for the summer. Power tools!!! I can't wait to cut something up or nail something to something else. It's going to be a great summer.
Well, I hope you all have a happy Thursday. May the Force, be with you.
So far...still quite tight but not as tight as it used to be.......I'm sure in a couple of weeks I'll be able to go up a couple of notches on my belt to try not scare folks with my vertical smile.
I feel that I'm almost over the hump of starting an exerise program. I think I'm about 3/4 of the way to where it becomes 50%work/50%habit. (It's a bell curve). It will take a little more time where it's a part of my life like taking a wiz. Don't be disgusted, everybody wizzes, and dumps. There's even a book written about it.
Other than that, I did get a few toys for the summer. Power tools!!! I can't wait to cut something up or nail something to something else. It's going to be a great summer.
Well, I hope you all have a happy Thursday. May the Force, be with you.
Monday, May 07, 2007
So far, so good......
So far, so good. Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I've been lifting. I'm feeling good about it and I haven't slacked off like missing work outs. I once did but I made it up the next morning, I just wanted to spend time with my girls at the Cottonwood mall, they haven't had a good time out in a while.
I'm not far from where I last put down the weights but I do have a lot of inches to burn off my girth. I have an eliptical machine but that thing is a bitch to keep happy so as I get lighter I will probably climb back on it. Cardio sucks ass but it's the only way to get rid of the chunk, y'know. I haven't lost much weight but I do feel a little more room in my jeans.
I've also started hitting the bag and sparing at the Spanish Conquistador chiidiis that may be in my garage. Dang, I don't remember when I last was in a good fight. I think it was during against a dude named....shit, I can't remember but it was at the trees in front of the St. Michael's church when I was a sophomore in high school. I know he was bigger than me but I was quick and wiry. Ha ha. I once took a big blow to the side of my head after I snatched a football from a dude named Darren during a field day football game, man he was pissed probably because I made him look bad or something. After I got tackled he came over after everybody was getting up and he sucker punched me while I was down. What a puss. Damn, he ruined the whole game for everybody because the teachers saw what happened shut the whole game down. It was a cool game because half the teams were girls and didn't mind being tackled. ha ha. Nah, I'm not looking for a fight, but I remember the rush. Besides, nobody fights fairly anymore.
Today: Chest and Triceps/ calves/gut
I'm not far from where I last put down the weights but I do have a lot of inches to burn off my girth. I have an eliptical machine but that thing is a bitch to keep happy so as I get lighter I will probably climb back on it. Cardio sucks ass but it's the only way to get rid of the chunk, y'know. I haven't lost much weight but I do feel a little more room in my jeans.
I've also started hitting the bag and sparing at the Spanish Conquistador chiidiis that may be in my garage. Dang, I don't remember when I last was in a good fight. I think it was during against a dude named....shit, I can't remember but it was at the trees in front of the St. Michael's church when I was a sophomore in high school. I know he was bigger than me but I was quick and wiry. Ha ha. I once took a big blow to the side of my head after I snatched a football from a dude named Darren during a field day football game, man he was pissed probably because I made him look bad or something. After I got tackled he came over after everybody was getting up and he sucker punched me while I was down. What a puss. Damn, he ruined the whole game for everybody because the teachers saw what happened shut the whole game down. It was a cool game because half the teams were girls and didn't mind being tackled. ha ha. Nah, I'm not looking for a fight, but I remember the rush. Besides, nobody fights fairly anymore.
Today: Chest and Triceps/ calves/gut
Friday, May 04, 2007
I want to give this California judge a hug....hell, I'll even give him a back rub and buy him a club sandwich and beer of his choice at Kelly's Brew pub.
Paris Hilton is a human...she is no better than us
Ah, the planets aren't aligned.....but still, it feels like the world is right...
Every judge in the world must see and embrace real justice. It makes the world right.
Please, send the judge your love with contributions to charity in his name...If not, shake his hand and buy him a dog if you ever run into him in the future. People who make a difference like this deserve recognition and respect for their knowledge of the law.
Paris Hilton is a human...she is no better than us
Ah, the planets aren't aligned.....but still, it feels like the world is right...
Every judge in the world must see and embrace real justice. It makes the world right.
Please, send the judge your love with contributions to charity in his name...If not, shake his hand and buy him a dog if you ever run into him in the future. People who make a difference like this deserve recognition and respect for their knowledge of the law.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Have you ever had that feeling that you just don't care about anything. I don't know what it is I'm going through but for the last couple of months, I really just didn't care about anything. Well, I kept up the usual routines such as going to work, paying the bills and etc. but I feel like I haven't proven myself. I don't know what it is. Right now, I'd rather go to sleep.
I got me a new camera a couple of months ago and I've been tinkering with it alot. Man, cameras have come a long ways since I was in Farkas' photography class at WRHS. I remember running around campus taking pictures of junior high life. The fun part was messin' with the chemicals in the lab. Anyway, there are a few new pics up in my flickr that you can check out and makes some comments on.
Hey, a couple of weeks ago, I met the new Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler. Man, that dude is huge and was one person that I admired when I was lifting weights about ten years ago. Dang, what if I hadn't stopped.... geez, college degree, big muscles, college degree, big muscles..... well, at least I weigh about as much as he does but in the other direction. Haha. Well, I got inspired again and have been lifting again. It's way harder this time to get going but it sure feels good to feel the pain and gain. Here's what my routine will be for a while:
Monday: Chest/ triceps/ abs
Tuesday: Back/ biceps/ forearms
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Legs/ abs
Friday: Shoulders/
Weekend: OFF
I haven't lost much muscle fortunately because my calorie intake has been high so I hope I can start to lift heavy again soon. My goal is to not be a wasting sack of shit at age 40.
I got me a new camera a couple of months ago and I've been tinkering with it alot. Man, cameras have come a long ways since I was in Farkas' photography class at WRHS. I remember running around campus taking pictures of junior high life. The fun part was messin' with the chemicals in the lab. Anyway, there are a few new pics up in my flickr that you can check out and makes some comments on.
Hey, a couple of weeks ago, I met the new Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler. Man, that dude is huge and was one person that I admired when I was lifting weights about ten years ago. Dang, what if I hadn't stopped.... geez, college degree, big muscles, college degree, big muscles..... well, at least I weigh about as much as he does but in the other direction. Haha. Well, I got inspired again and have been lifting again. It's way harder this time to get going but it sure feels good to feel the pain and gain. Here's what my routine will be for a while:
Monday: Chest/ triceps/ abs
Tuesday: Back/ biceps/ forearms
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Legs/ abs
Friday: Shoulders/
Weekend: OFF
I haven't lost much muscle fortunately because my calorie intake has been high so I hope I can start to lift heavy again soon. My goal is to not be a wasting sack of shit at age 40.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
y'know what else?
My wife can solve a Rubik's Cube in a couple of minutes. Really. Seriously, I think she's a ninja or a Jedi. Sometimes I'm afraid for my life she's so awesome.
Monday, January 15, 2007
All Indian Woman

There are a couple of exams to become a civil engineer; the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE, EIT)and the Professional Engineer exam (P.E.). I passed the FE and after the fourth year in internship, I will be eligible to take the P.E. exam and in passing it I will become a full CIVIL ENGINEER.
If there was ever an exam on becoming a Navajo, my wife has passed it with assorted flying colors. Besides being a loving spouse, she makes an impressive mutton stew and chili beans with Navajo tortillas and Fried Bread respectively (all by her self).
Ever since I first laid my chizhi eyes on her, I have never labeled her as my white lady but only as my Karen. Really, this is beyond her holding the leg during the sheep butchering or the cleaning of the a'chii....she is most qualified and may well be entrusted with the title of saanii in charge (S.I.C.) even more than most that are were born for the job. She is Dine'.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I think I'm all better now
Last night I watch a rerun of the SuperBowl XL. I felt like I was grinning and I was, I think I'm all better now. Now comes the blogging days of spring!!! woo hoo!!! I'm looking forward to long hot summer, hopefully so I can spend more time in my pool. Last year I think I only jumped in 5 times. That's some sad summer fun. This fall I dumped the water and we're going to move it towards the corner of my back yard so I can establish a place to have a lawn. OOOhh this should be fun. Rock on my people, hope you all had a good Christmas season.
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